Inspired partly by their own use of the drug for pain relief, or by caring for others who use it for their own aches, these women see viable business opportunities and view their work as therapeutic for their customers.
Inspired partly by their own use of the drug for pain relief, or by caring for others who use it for their own aches, these women see viable business opportunities and view their work as therapeutic for their customers.
The photo is the first salvo in Lee’s new mission: He’s become a foot soldier in the grassroots crusade to get medical marijuana legalized in Missouri.
The photo is the first salvo in Lee’s new mission: He’s become a foot soldier in the grassroots crusade to get medical marijuana legalized in Missouri.
The suggestion is that rather than using powerful painkillers, people are instead turning to legal pot.
Some clinical studies suggest that the plant may have medical value, especially for difficult-to-treat pain conditions.
A man living with Parkinson's Disease has released a YouTube video demonstrating the relief he gets from using cannabis.
BEFORE he suited up to play against the New York Giants in 2012, Jacksonville Jaguars offensive lineman Eben Britton took an ice bath followed by a hot shower. He did his routine stretches. Then he smoked a joint.
In the United States, 25 states have legalized medical marijuana, including 19 that let patients with a prescription buy pot from dispensaries. Proponents argue that expanding the availability of medical marijuana reduces opioid abuse and overdose deaths because it gives people an alternative for pain relief.
When I started looking into medical marijuana, I was skeptical. I was not a recreational user, and I had not had any luck with other natural remedies.
Researchers plan to start recruiting veterans in September, adding two participants per month, per site. The study should run about two years.
Members of Congress have taken note as well, questioning whether medical marijuana could be a solution to an over-prescribing crisis involving veterans nationwide.
Members of Congress have taken note as well, questioning whether medical marijuana could be a solution to an over-prescribing crisis involving veterans nationwide.
About 200 people gathered outside the Washington State Capitol on Friday for the second annual Veteran Suicide Awareness March to bring hope to war veterans and advocate for a bill that would include post traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury in the state’s medical cannabis program.
It was his experience with medical cannabis that got Stephen Mandile up in arms about providing better for Massachusetts veterans.
Physicians wrote significantly fewer prescriptions for painkillers and other medications for elderly and disabled patients who had legal access to medical marijuana, a new study finds.
New research from Ontario, Canada has uncovered some interesting finds about how cannabis helps those suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.
Sue is one of just two people certified through the State of California to educate senior living facility staff and caregivers about medical marijuana.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted GW Pharmaceuticals Plc's experimental cannabis-derived epilepsy drug "orphan" status for a third group of patients affected by a rare form of the disease.
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