WeedLife News Network
![Image: Matt Masin, Orange County Register](/images/SoCalCannabisCupApril2017imageMattMasinOrangeCountyRegister.jpg)
There are hundreds of booths at the three-day festival, which also features concerts, a grow room, carnival rides, food trucks, educational seminars and more.
![File image: Evelyn Simak via Wikimedia Commons](/images/HempFieldUKImageEvelynSimakViaWikimediaCommons.jpg)
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — Two more colleges have been authorized to participate in New York's industrial hemp pilot program.
![File image: KMOV.com](/images/HempMissouriImageKMOVDotCom.jpg)
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — Two more colleges have been authorized to participate in New York's industrial hemp pilot program.
![Image: David Ryder via Leafly.com](/images/ElderlyCustomersAtSeattleDispensaryImageDavidRyderViaLeaflyDotCom.jpg)
Adults in late middle age tended to consume more cannabis than those of retirement age – but that seems to be quickly changing.
DENVER – Students at the University of Denver will have a new class to choose from next quarter: The business of marijuana.
![Image: Trichome via 9News.com](/images/SommelierForCannabisImageTrichomeVia9NewsDotCom.jpg)
DENVER - You’ve likely heard of a wine sommelier, but what about a cannabis sommelier? It’s a real thing.
![Image: Sonoma State University via NorthBayBusinessJournal.com](/images/SonomaStateUniversityImageSonomaStateUniversityViaNorthBayBusinessJournalDotCom.jpg)
After about a year of discussions with a medical cannabis education organization, Sonoma State University will finally be offering its first course in medical cannabis in March.
![Image: Sunshine Steven via NYDailyNews.com](/images/FriarsClubNYImageSunshineStevenViaNYDailyNewsDotCom.jpg)
The event at the iconic showbiz club, called "Medical Marijuana: Weeding out Fact from Fiction," is being presented by the Cannabis Doctors of New York.
![Image: The Leaf Online via TheWeedBlog.com](/images/Terpene-Profile-LinaloolImageThe-Leaf-OnlineViaTheWeedBlogDotCom.jpg)
As more states pass legislation about cannabis, the more we are beginning to hear about terpenes and the profound effect they can have on us as cannabis consumers.
![Image: Pono Life Sciences via MauiNow.com](/images/HawaiiMauiPotEducationCenterImagePonoLifeSciencesViaMauiNowDotCom.jpg)
Pono Life Sciences Maui, LLC, one of two marijuana dispensaries approved for operation in Maui County, showcased its cannabis education center in Kahului over the weekend.
![Image: Leafly.com](/images/OrganicFertilizerImageLeaflyDotCom.jpg)
Cannabis plants are resilient and resourceful. However, much like any other living organism, cannabis plants need nutrients.
![File video image: MedicalMarijuana411.com](/images/RaphaelMechoulamTHCScientistVideoImageMedicalMarijuana411Dotcom.jpg)
Dr. Raphael Mechoulam laid the scientific foundation upon which all modern cannabis knowledge is built.
![HealthyHeadie.com via Civilized.life](/images/Healthy-Headie-WomenViaCivilizedDotLife.jpg)
Healthy Headie is a Massachusetts-based social sales company focused on creating “low barriers to entry” into the cannabis space that make for “digestible, unintimidating” first-time experiences.
![Image: Danny Karwoski via Wikimedia Commons](/images/TempleUniversityImageDannyKarwoskiViaWikimediaCommons.jpg)
Next semester, Temple students will have a chance to take a class on a plant they may already be familiar with: marijuana.
![File image: Elaine Thompson, Associated Press](/images/SeniorsAndMarijuanaImageElaineThompsonAP.jpg)
Take it as an indicator in the rapidly changing world of cannabis use, but a group of senior citizens are organizing their own social network to discuss marijuana.
![Video image: Denver.CBSlocal.com](/images/JacksLawSignedJune2016VideoImageCBS4Denver.jpg)
DENVER (CBS4)– Schools in Colorado will be required to allow medical marijuana after Gov. John Hickenlooper signed “Jack’s Law” on Monday.
![Video image: Denver.CBSlocal.com](/images/articles_weedelect/JacksLawSignedJune2016VideoImageCBS4Denver.jpg)
DENVER (CBS4)– Schools in Colorado will be required to allow medical marijuana after Gov. John Hickenlooper signed “Jack’s Law” on Monday.