Alright, we’ve got vapes and edibles, suppositories and gum, cigars and honey. And while some of these seem like new inventions, they don’t even come close to the weird and wacky products now being offered on the market. Yup, if you’re looking for way-out-there weird, these are the strangest cannabis products you’re likely to come by.
If you like new and weird, you might like the strangest cannabis products out there. If you just want a good, dependable, regular product, there are plenty of possibilities, including delta-8 THC. Why delta-8? Well, this alternate form of THC provides users with a clear-headed high and more energy, with less couch-locking and anxiety, like delta-9 is known for. We’ve got a great selection of Delta-8 THC deals, so go ahead, and find your perfect product.
Different cannabis products
It used to be that if you wanted any cannabis effect, you lit a joint, smoked a bong, or ate a brownie. As things have progressed in life, the options have opened. Now you can vape, instead of lighting up. Now you can choose from a massive range of edibles, rather than accepting a simple pot brownie. And now if you want localized relief, you can apply a cream to a specific area, or use an insert to get it inside. You can put oil or tincture under your tongue, chew it as gum, or inhale it from an inhaler.
The world of cannabis products has expanded out greatly in the last few years, going to places that not many of us saw coming. I mean, did you really think a few years ago there’d be cannabis-infused soda water? I didn’t. But it exists, and in about a million different varieties, from about a million different companies.
The idea that cannabis can be used in ways unfamiliar to past generations has become a norm of current life, but even so, some of the newer offerings are still enough to make a person turn their head and say, ‘what?’ So in honor of these new product paths for marijuana, and because some of you will surely be interested in trying these new inventions, here are some of the strangest cannabis products currently on the market.