WeedLife News Network

Hot off the press cannabis, marijuana, cbd and hemp news from around the world on the WeedLife Social Network.
Police in India believe drug ring used Amazon to sell 1,000 kilograms of illegal cannabis
The mass of protesters gathered outside the White House couldn’t quite wait for 4:20 Saturday afternoon, the pre-planned time they had designated to light their marijuana-packed joints and pipes in protest of the federal laws that prohibit the drug’s consumption.
Transition from trucker to CBD sales was a healing journey
Cannabis News
The United States of Cannabis: Here's a state by state breakdown of the legality of ganja across the U.S.
7 Reasons to Integrate CBD into Your Fitness Routine
Medical News
“I’m sort of a wildcatter,” says Ed Rosenthal, his Bronx, New York accent showing through the laid back California exterior he’s cultivated over 40 years living in the Bay Area.
Police: Two-dozen bags of marijuana, laced candy bars found in Wantagh home
Attention senior class-trip chaperones, cherry blossom lovers, and anyone else who may wander by the White House on Saturday: Brace yourself for a cloud of marijuana smoke — and, possibly, mass arrests.
Pennsylvania Lawmakers will introduce bill allowing farmers to grow Medical pot
Business & Finance
Oregon Governor Kate Brown signed into law a provision of SB 1511, which will allow dispensaries to sell marijuana edibles and extracts to recreational customers.
North Brunswick approves its first Marijuana Dispensary
There is a lot of confusion about the difference between hemp, cannabis and marijuana.
Arkansas Officials Report Medical Cannabis Sales Top $200 Million
Business & Finance
A new survey by the Associated Press and the University of Chicago finds that a record-high percentage of Americans -- 61 percent -- say they support marijuana legalization.
‘Something’s not right in southern Oregon’: alarm at rise of illegal pot farms
DES MOINES, Iowa -- Iowans 4 Medical Cannabis hosted a Compassionate Cannabis Rally at the Capitol on Tuesday to support legislation that would expand the state's current medical cannabis law.
The Marijuana Mansion: The ‘highest’ haunted house around
Cannabis News
TRENTON, N.J. (AP) -- A growing number of states are weighing whether to legalize marijuana to treat post-traumatic stress disorder. But for many veterans, the debate is already over.
Cannabis Technology platform LeafLink raises $100M
Business & Finance
Recreational marijuana legalization has been a cornerstone policy that Generation-Y overwhelmingly supports. According to Pew Research, even 63 percent of Republican millennials want pot to be legal.
Seth Rogen says wife inspired him in creating Cannabis Brand
Cannabis News
Colorado, already a national leader in hemp cultivation, is pushing forward with a plan to certify seed, in part to ensure THC levels, the active ingredient in marijuana, do not exceed legal levels.
Study: Can hemp fiber be used in auto industry?
Once the Pennsylvania bill takes effect, nearly half of the states across the US will allow legal medical marijuana.
Medical freedom needs to include medical Marijuana home grow
SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- Thanks to changing federal and state regulations, the marijuana industry in California is booming. And now women are taking the lead and breaking through the "grass ceiling."
Technology & Innovation Roundup: Marijuana announcement could be win for Cannabis businesses
State legislators have been squeamish about tackling legalization directly. And in the absence of action on their part, voters have taken measures into their own hands, driving successful legalization initiatives in Colorado, Washington, Oregon, Alaska and D.C.
Social Life Network, Inc. Announces Uplisting to OTCQB Exchange
Press Releases
Washington (AFP) - Legal marijuana is becoming more and more entrenched in the United States each year, and 2016 looks to be no exception.
California cannabis industry strives for geographic branding, just like wine
Business & Finance
What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object? One only has to look at the rift between the marijuana industry (aka, the unstoppable force) and the federal government (the immovable object) to get a good feel.
