How Hollywood Does High-End Cannabis - Cannabis News

The Hollywood Reporter’s guide to pot in Los Angeles reveals a smoking-hot market: "The normalization happened more quickly than expected."

Four months after recreational marijuana became available in California, new products and experiences offering a high-end high are blooming, and in some corners, cannabis is becoming as much a part of the L.A. lifestyle as juice cleanses and hiking Runyon.

You can work it out at Higher Self Yoga, where vape pens are distributed at the beginning of class to help "ease into the sacred"; treat yourself to a Canna-cure pedicure at Bellacures; score an $889, one-of-a-kind, hand- carved Argentinian blue onyx pipe from pot lifestyle boutique Mister Green; then hit Alfred Tea & Coffee for a CBD-infused peach ginger iced matcha. 

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Booth Moore ~