Marco Rubio

Marco Rubio Image Gage Skidmore Via Wikimedia Commons

Marco Rubio Marijuana News and Politics

Report Card

Marijuana Policy Project Grade - D

National Cannabis Industry Association Rating: Red Light

Sen. Marco Rubio does not support cannabis legalization. He has said that he believes in states’ rights to set their own policies, but has also said that he believes that the federal government should interfere in states that have passed their own marijuana laws, due to its status as being federally illegal. In April 2015, he said, “Yes, I think, well, I think we need to enforce our federal laws. Now do states have a right to do what they want? They don’t agree with it, but they have their rights. But they don’t have a right to write federal policy as well. It is, I don’t believe we should be in the business of legalizing additional intoxicants in this country for the primary reason that when you legalize something, what you’re sending a message to young people is it can’t be that bad, because if it was that bad, it wouldn’t be legal.”

Position: Against

Marco Rubio's reefer madness – Marijuana News

Marco Rubio is still fighting the war on weed.

Marco Rubio Marijuana Policy Project

Marco Rubio - Marijuana Policy Project

Marijuana Policy Project on Marco Rubio

U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida announced he is running for president on April 13, 2015.

Where does he stand?

Sen. Rubio has expressed some support for allowing the use of non-psychoactive forms of medical marijuana, but he is staunchly opposed to the legalization of marijuana for adult use.

Marco Rubio Image Gage Skidmore Via Wikimedia Commons

Marco Rubio - Forbes

Forbes on Marco Rubio

Position: Against