
Cannabis Scientists Are Chasing the Perfect High - Cannabis News

Chemists at some of the biggest legal-weed companies are after an elusive prize: a predictable, reliable product.

Exploring cannabinoid bioavailability in the medical cannabis industry - Cannabis News

When medication is consumed it must reach the intended site of action, but what is the degree and rate at which it is absorbed by the human body?

What is a cannabis contact high? - Cannabis News

Research makes the case that contact highs are in fact real, but considering the circumstances, you may not have a lot to worry about.

Pennsylvania set to launch marijuana research at 8 universities - Cannabis News

Research teams from eight Pennsylvania medical schools are preparing medical marijuana studies in collaboration with cannabis producers.

Study reveals antibiotic potential of cannabis compound - Cannabis News

A compound made by cannabis plants has been found to wipe out one of the most common drug-resistant bacteria in a study on mice, raising hopes of a new weapon in the fight against superbugs.

A new ‘hemp scanner’ determines level of THC in cannabis plants - Cannabis News

A team of researchers have created a ‘hemp scanner’ that can determine the level of THC in cannabis plants instantly, without damaging any of the product.

Scientists discovered a weed compound that may be 30 times more powerful than THC - Cannabis News

A newly discovered cannabis compound has been shown in the lab to potentially be 30 times more potent than THC, the most studied psychoactive compound in marijuana.

Cannabis can help save the bees: Cornell University - Cannabis News

Hemp might prove more useful to bees than humans, and that’s saying a lot.

Black Swan: rare Jamaican cannabis strain could treat pancreatic cancer - Cannabis News

In 2019 a flavonoid of cannabis – Caflanone (FBL-03G) – was granted Orphan drug status by the United States Food and Drug Administration. Now, trials using the flavonoid to treat pancreatic cancer are anticipated to begin in the spring.

NIH Director: Marijuana’s Legal Status Is ‘Big Deterrent’ To Research - Cannabis News

The director of the National Institute of Health explained that federal laws make it very hard to study marijuana in the U.S.