Medical News

Study finds CBD effective in treating heroin addiction - Cannabis News

Cannabidiol, the non-psychoactive ingredient in hemp and marijuana, could treat opioid addiction, a new study says.

Can Cannabis Help Patients In Pain Avoid Opioids? Many Are Trying - Cannabis News

For some people, pot is more appealing than powerful opioids.

Texas family speaks about how medical cannabis has helped their son - Cannabis News

As the Texas Legislature debates the expansion of the current medical marijuana law, one San Antonio family is seeing the benefits of the medical cannabis oil they give to their son.

Smokable medical marijuana: Woman talks life-changing effects - Cannabis News

"When I started using medical cannabis I just noticed this falling off of medications to where I was like I did not take that today and my hand is not shaking so my tremors have completely disappeared."

Doctors Remain Cautiously Optimistic About Medical Marijuana, Says New Study - Cannabis News

A new study shows that doctors believe medical marijuana can help people, but they aren't ready to recommend it to their patients yet.

Ohio could be 1st state to allow medical marijuana for depression, insomnia- Cannabis News

More than half of Ohio’s population could become eligible in June for a medical marijuana card if the state approves five more ailments as qualifying conditions.

How Marijuana Works To Help Those With Multiple Sclerosis - Cannabis News

In double-blind, placebo controlled trials, MS patients who use cannabis oil, synthetic THC, or an oral-spray blend of THC and CBD have reported feeling relief from muscle stiffness and spasms.

Cannabis Nurses: An Emerging Specialization And Vital Resource For Seniors - Cannabis News

Nurses who specialize in cannabis medicine are increasingly stepping in to help seniors navigate that path.

Medical marijuana oil sales signed into Georgia law - Cannabis News

Gov. Brian Kemp on Wednesday signed into law a bill to grow and sell medical marijuana in Georgia, a milestone for patients who are allowed to use the drug but had no way to buy it.

Medical marijuana insurance in Florida? Lawmakers, agriculture commissioner pushing for it - Cannabis News

“Our constitution recognizes that marijuana is medicine, and if it is in our constitution then companies that provide health insurance to Florida patients should be covering it,” said the state's Agriculture Commissioner.