Medical News

Minor differences: Rules for underage medical marijuana patients - Cannabis News

In most medical use states, minors can get medical marijuana if they have an adult willing to act as their caregiver or designated provider and are also entered into the state medical marijuana database.

What is the best quantity for a dose of cannabis? - Cannabis News

As the demand for cannabis soars, so too does the need for clear guidelines governing its use. Cannabis is potent medicine, and as a medicine, requires a framework that minimizes harm.

Can Marijuana Help Treat Headaches Or Migraines? - Cannabis News

Studies report marijuana can reduce headache and migraine severity, but exact doses currently remain unknown.

CBD Could Provide Useful Treatment In Rare Brain Cancer - Cannabis News

Colorado State University researchers found that CBD caused cell death in glioblastoma, a rare and intractable form of brain cancer.

Israel Researchers Believe CBD Could Play Crucial Role In COVID-19 Treatment - Cannabis News

Israeli researchers have launched three clinical trials that utilize CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties as potential COVID-19 treatment.

Does Marijuana Lower The Effects Of Anti-Depressants? - Cannabis News

While so much is still unknown about marijuana’s effects on antidepressants, your personal answer may reside in two important pieces of information.

Feast or famine: The effect of marijuana on weight - Cannabis News

Your new year’s resolution for 2020 was to lose weight. And this time, you really are committed to making it happen.

Rare cannabinoid shows early promise for diabetes - Cannabis News

Could cannabis help treat diabetes? A small but growing body of research suggests that certain cannabinoids may hold promise.

Cannabis May Ease Opioid Withdrawal Symptoms, Johns Hopkins Study Finds - Cannabis News

Researchers are calling for formal clinical trials into the efficacy of marijuana for treating opioid use disorder after a newly published study found that cannabis may ease many common symptoms of opioid withdrawal.

How Dr. Sue Sisley is Leading the Cannabis Medical Science Field - Cannabis News

Dr. Sue Sisley is leading the next generation of cannabis medical science, taking the fight directly to the FDA and DEA to help cut through the red tape that hinders research.