
Southern California marijuana sales ‘on fire’ as demand spikes amid coronavirus outbreak - Cannabis News

Toilet paper, hand sanitizer and food aren’t the only things flying off the shelves amid the coronavirus scare in Southern California.

5 Of The Hottest Jobs In Cannabis Right Now - Cannabis News

Cannabis jobs pay 11% more than the average salary in the United States. Cannabis is hot and the range of cannabis jobs is even hotter.

Illinois sells $1 million in legal cannabis, per day - Cannabis News

Just two months into adult-use legalization and Illinois dispensaries are selling more than a million dollars of legal cannabis — per day.

50 State Banking Associations Demand Senate Vote On Marijuana Banking Legislation - Cannabis News

Banking associations from 49 states and Puerto Rico sent a letter to the chairman and ranking member of the Senate Banking Committee on Friday, imploring them to advance a bill protecting financial institutions that service state-legal marijuana businesses.

Boston’s first recreational marijuana dispensary will open Monday - Cannabis News

Nearly 40 months since Massachusetts voted to legalize marijuana, Boston is getting its first recreational pot shop.

Say ‘Hi’ to the New Sparkling Cannabis Drinks - Cannabis News

According to the analysts at Headset, the last two years have seen steady growth in the cannabis beverage sector.

Medical marijuana is third in revenue in Maine - Cannabis News

Maine's medical marijuana industry is twice as big as expected. Only lobsters and potatoes beat it in revenue.

Coronavirus Outbreak Impacts Cannabis Industry - Cannabis News

The cannabis industry, like so many global concerns, is dependent on labor in China’s factory zones.

Illinois: Recreational weed sales net $10M in tax revenue in 1st month - Cannabis News

The sale of recreational marijuana in Illinois generated $7.3 million in cannabis tax revenue last month, the Illinois Department of Revenue announced Monday.

Colorado sold a record $1.75 billion of cannabis last year - Cannabis News

This time last year, it appeared that Colorado's industry was plateauing. Now it's surging.