Law & Crime

Legal marijuana sales may spark Midwest interstate tension - Cannabis News

Data suggests that some customers will cross state lines in search of state-licensed marijuana retailers, despite warnings that it’s illegal to bring the product back home.

She's been engaged for six years. Marijuana laws prevent her from getting married - Cannabis News

“By law, you and your spouse cannot own both retail and production. So we haven't been able to get married because neither one of us wants to sell our business.”

Can landlords ban cannabis in a legal state? Here’s what the law says - Cannabis News

What are a tenant’s rights around consuming cannabis at a rental property in a legal medical or adult-use state?

Illegal pot sales outpace legal cannabis in California - Cannabis News

Access and affordability are key issues in the Golden State.

Illegal pot farms on public land create environmental hazard - Cannabis News

“These places are toxic garbage dumps. Food containers attract wildlife, and the chemicals kill the animals long after the sites are abandoned."

Law Enforcement Prepares For Legal Cannabis in Illinois - Cannabis News

As Illinois prepares to legalize recreational marijuana, one group preparing for a cultural sea-change is the very group responsible for enforcing the new rules.

As Illinois Prepares To Legalize Pot, Public Housing Tenants Not Allowed To Partake - Cannabis News

Recreational pot is about to become legal in Illinois, but Chicago's Housing Authority says not in our backyard or front yard or anywhere on public housing premises, for that matter.

California mom challenging district over child's use of cannabis oil at school - Cannabis News

"It is OK for him to have valium in class... but God forbid we have a plant that is changing things not just for him but for million of kids like him."

Michigan State Police Don't Know What to do With All These Marijuana Smells - Cannabis News

Recreational marijuana became legal in Michigan on December 6, 2018. However, law enforcement is still coming to terms with what it means for investigations and arrests.

Cannabis opportunities present legal hurdles for hoteliers - Cannabis News

Hoteliers hoping to add cannabis offerings to their properties might need to navigate some challenges along the way, according to legal experts.