N.J. medical marijuana panel: Allow 43 more conditions - including autism and anxiety - Cannabis News

If you’re one of the nearly 200,000 people in New Jersey who suffer from chronic pain, migraines, anxiety, opiate-use disorder, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, autism, Tourette syndrome and a few other ailments, you should be allowed to obtain medicinal marijuana, with the consent of your doctor.

At least that’s what the state’s Medicinal Marijuana Review Panel says, after studying petitions from doctors and people who suffer from those conditions, and then holding two hearings over the past 12 months.

It issued its first report last week, seeking that 43 more conditions be permitted for treatment. But it may be a while before the state health commissioner rules on the request, a slow process that has angered potential new patients and their advocates.

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Jan Hefler ~ Philly.com
