Brands want to capitalize on 4/20 munchies. Pot advocates say it’s time to grow up - Cannabis News

It’s not just companies from the liberal enclaves of California and Vermont who are partaking in 4/20 marketing campaigns. It’s also big, mainstream brands, such as Pepsi, Chipotle, Burger King and Denny’s, all of whom have alluded to 4/20 on social media in previous years.

When you and your buds get the munchies on April 20, the high holiday for marijuana users, a small army of marketing professionals is working to ensure that in your haze, you’ll reach for their brand of blazed, er, glazed doughnuts.

Or Totino’s Pizza Rolls. Or Burger King. Or any other brand of junk food — even from a wholesome, family-friendly company — that suspects its biggest fans may be spending the day more flame-broiled than a Whopper.

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Maura Judkis ~ ~